Fifth Grade Math

 Chapter 3: Divide Whole Numbers and Decimals 


Lesson 3.1: Relate Multiplication and Division

 Dividend - A number to be divided

Divisor- The number by which a dividend is divided.

Quotient- The answer to the division problem.

Fact Family- A group of related facts using the same number.

Lesson 3.2: Explore Dividing by 1-digit Divisors

Remainder- In division, a number that is left after the quotient is found.

Lesson 3.5: Estimate Quotients

Compatible Numbers- Numbers that can be divided mentally without a remainder.

Lesson 3.9: Explore Dividing Decimals by Decimals

Power of 10- A number obtained by raising 10 to an exponent.

          Chapter4: Data Statistics and Graphs

Lesson 4.1: Explore Collecting, Organizing and Displaying Data

     Data (datos) -  Collected information

     Frequency Table (tabla de frecuencia) A way of organizing a set of data, showing the number of times each item or number appears.

     Frequency (frequencia)  - the number of times a response occurs.

     Survey (encuesta) a method to gather data that involves asking people questions.

     Line Plot (plano lineal) - A graph that uses columns of X's above a nuber line.

Lesson 4.2: Range, Mode, Median, and Mean

     Range (rango)- The difference between the greatest andthe least number in a set of numbers.

     Mode (moda)- The number that occurs most often in a set of numbers.

     Median (mediana) - The middle number in a set of numbers arranged in order from least to geratest: if the set contains an        even number of numbers, the median is the mean of the two middle numbers.

     Mean (media) The quantity is found by adding the numbers in a set of numbers and dividing their sum by the number of addends.

Lesson 4.3: Read and Make Pictographs

     Pictograph (pictograma) - A graph that compares data by using symbols

Lesson 4.4: Read and Make Bar Graphs

     Bar Graph (gráfica de barras)- A graph that compares data by using vertical and horizontal bars.

     Axis (pl. Axes) (eje) - The horizontal or vertical number line on a graph.

     Interval (intervalo) - The difference between adjacent numbers on an axis of a graph.

     Double Bar Graph (gráfica de barros dobles) - A bar graph that compares two related groups of data.

Lesson 4.5: Read and Make Histograms

     Histogram (histograma) - A bar graph that shows frequency of data within equal intervals.

Lesson 4.6: Read and Make Line Graphs

     Coordinates (coordinadas) - The umbers in an ordered pair.

     Ordered Pair (par ordenado) - A pair of numbers that gives the location of a point on a graph.

     Plot (trazar) -  To graph a point on a coordinate plane.

     Line Graph (gráfica lineal) - A graph that uses line segments to show changes in data.

Lesson 4.9: Read and Make Stem-and-Leaf Plots

     Stem-and-leaf Plot (diagrama de tallo y hojas) - An arrangement of numbers that separates the ones digits from the other digits.

     Stem (tallo) - The digit or digits to the left of the ones digit of a number in a set of data.

     Leaf (hoja) -  A ones digit in a row of a stem-and-leaf plot.

Lesson 4.10: Sampling

     Population (poblacíon) - An entire group or set about which information is wanted.

     Sample (muestra) - The part of a population that is used in a survey to represent the whole population.

     Representative Sample (muestra representativa) - A sample that does not represent the entire population.

     Biased Sample (muestra no representativa) - A sample that does not represent the entrie population.

     Random Sample (muestra al azar) - A sample where each member in the population has an equal chace of being chosen.



Chapter 5

Lesson 5.1: Divisibility

Divisible - (Divisible)  A whole number is divisible by another number when the first is divided by the second and the remainder is 0.

Lesson 5.2: Explore Primes and Composites

Prime Number (numero primo) - A prime number is a whole number greater than 1 that is divisible only by itself and the number 1.

Composite Number  (numero compuesto)- A composite number is a whole number greater than 1 that is divisible by more numbers than just itself and the number 1.

Prime Factorization -(Factorization en numeros primos)

Factor Tree - (arbol de factores primos)

Lesson 5.3: Common Factors and Greatest Common Factor

Common Factor(factor común) A comon factor of two or more numbers is a whole number that is a factor of all the numbers.

Greatest Common Factor(máximo común divisor) The greatest common factor (GCF) of two or more numbers is the greatest whole number that is a common factor of the numbers.

Lesson 5.4: Fractions

Fraction(fracción) A number that names part of a whole or part of a group.

Numerator(numerador) The number above the bar in a fraction: the part of a fraction that tells how many parts are being used.

Denominator(denominador)  The number below the bar in a fraction; the part of the number that tells how many equal parts are in the whole.

Equivalent Fractions(fracciónes equivalentes) Two different fractions that name the same number.

Lesson 5.6: Simplify Fractions

Simplest Form

Lesson 5.7: Least Common Multiple and Least Common Denominator

Least Common Multiple/ lcm (mínimo común múltiplo/mcm) - The Least Common Multiple of two or more whole numbers is the least whole number greater than 0 that is a multiple of each of the numbers.

Multiple (multiplo)  A multiple of a number is the product of that number and a whole number. For example, 15 is a muliple of 5 because 3x5=15.

Least Common Denominator/lcm (minimo comun denominador) The Least Common Denominator of two or more numbers is the least common multiple of the denominators of the fractions.

Lesson 5.11: Mixed Numbers

Mixed Numbers (numero mixto) A number that combines a whole number and a fraction.

Improper Fractions (fraccion impropria)  A fraction that has a numerator greater than its denominator.


Chapter 6

Lesson 6.1:  Add and Subtract Fractions and Mixed Numbers with Like Denominators