My Classroom Website


Sr. Peña-Herrera and Ms. Cole

2008-2009 Fifth Grade/Room 802-803

Dear Parents/Guardians


Welcome to a new, exciting and challenging academic year. My name is Guillermo Peña-Herrera and I will be your child's teacher and facilitator.

I am a native Spanish speaker, born in Ecuador, South America. I completed my primary and secondary education in Eduador, mastering the Spanish language.  I continued and completed my High School and University academic studies in the United States, receiving a Master's degree in Education and Arts with a minor in Applied Developmental Child Psychology and Biological Sciences.  This will be my tenth year of teaching experience in this country and my ninth year as a Spanish Immersion teacher. 

My teaching experience began in Chicago, Illinnois and ever since I became involved in this profession, I understood how important it is to give our children a solid academic foundation at every grade level.  My philosophy in education is deeply rooted in my belief that "children should have ample opportunities to explore, discover and take challeges without fear.  A child must be given freedom to imagine, dream and express their unique world through words.  Most importantly, children should be given ownership and responsibility for their own work, and feel a sense of pride about their work.  A child should also experience learning in a safe and nurturing environment as soon as the learning process begins, where safety encourages intellectual risk-taking and all children feel respected as learners.  Finally, children must be guided through this process with the help and support of their families." 

As a professional educator, the promise I make to my students is to facilitate their learning by guiding them through this developmental process.  If these practices are met, we will benefit from the wonderful endeavor of teaching our children to become independent, positive role models and responsible citizens of this planet.

With your help and my preparation as an educator, we will be successful in building a nurturing partnership for your child's education this year.  I hope to be the best guide for your child, as well as a competent teacher and friendly partner in your life. 



Guillermo Peña-Herrera